While Google Maps is an awesome application, it has its limits and can sometimes be a pain in the behind to transfer addresses to from other websites. Luckily, there are a slew of FirefoxFirefoxFirefox extensions that can help you turn Google MapsGoogle MapsGoogle Maps into an even more powerful tool.

As we always warn you with any list of Firefox tools, please do not install all of these at once unless you’d like to slow down your browser.

Advanced URL Builder – Lets you set the first part of a URL, such as Google Maps, and then you just highlight a zip/postal code, right click and choose Google Maps to be shown that location.

BlueOrganizer – An extension capable of reading the information contained in a page, such as an address. It automatically pulls up tools like Google Maps to help you find locations.

GDirections – Allows you to set various home addresses in memory, and then you can highlight an address, right click to select which address to begin with, and it will bring up the driving directions from the mapping service of your choice.


iPhoneSender – Right click on a Google Map and you can send a properly formatted link to your iPhone via email for easy access on the go.

Locator – Highlight an address on a Web site, right click with your mouse and choose “locate on Google Map” to be taken directly to Google Maps and shown the location.

Map This – Merges the features of a few mapping extensions in that you can highlight the address on a page to see where it is and you can also get driving directions by the same method if you choose.

Minimap Sidebar – Numerous features for mapping including drag-and-drop of addresses into the sidebar, reads geotags and has an amazing laundry list of other mapping tools. This extension was the Grand Prize Winner in the Extend Firefox 2 Contest.

PackageMapping.com Extension – While more of a Google Maps mashup, this one is great for people who do a lot of online shopping and want to see a graphical representation of where exactly their packages are.

Pre Trip Planner for your Navigation System – Adds a link to Google Maps that allows you to plot a course for a trip and then export it to your navigational system.

Select-n-Go by Cleeki – Allows you to highlight text in a page and then choose the search engine to plug it into, including Google Maps.


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